1. - Jan: Our paper on Efficient MNL Assortment Optimization is accepted to ICLR'25.
  2. - Feb: Left Apple and joined UIC as a tenure-track assistant professor. Hola Acamedia! Good to be back!


  1. - Dec: One conference and one workshop paper at NeurIPS'24. See you in Vancouver!
  2. - Jul: New ICML Workshop on Models of Human Feedback for AI Alignment. Co-organizing with Thomas Kleine Buening, Christos Dimitrakakis, Scott Niekum, Constantin Rothkopf, and Lirong Xia. Stay tuned, more details on the way!
  3. - May: Our UAI'24 paper got accepted!
  4. - Jan: We got six new papers accepted! 1 in ALT'24, 2 in ICLR'24 and 3 in AISTATS'24. Check out publications for more details.


  1. - Dec 14: Chairing a session on "Online Learning" at NeurIPS, on Thu, Dec 14th (Schedule: Oral 6D: Room R06-R09).
  2. - Dec 11: Giving a tutorial with Aditya on 'Learning with Preferences' at NeurIPS'23, New Orleans, USA. (Including panel discussion with Yoshua Bengio, Craig Boutilier, Elad Hazan, Rob Nowak and Tobias Schnabel. Our website.
  3. - Dec 9-11: Meeting all the "Alignment Enthusiasts" at New Orleans Alignment Workshop, New Orleans, USA.
  4. - Oct 17-18: I am at UMich, CSE (Bob and Betty Beyster Building)! Giving a lightning talk at Michigan AI Symposium.
  5. - Sept 8-9: Organizing another workshop on Federated Learning [Event Website] at TTI Chicago.
  6. - Aug 17-18: Attending David & Yishay Fest. Can't wait to meet David, Yishay, Rob Nowak, Rob Schapire, Nicolo, Alex, Michael, Mehryar, Haim, Sham and a bunch of learning theory folks.
  7. - Serving as an AC for NeurIPS'23, ICLR'24, and AIStats'24.
  8. - July 31: Giving a tutorial at UAI'23 on 'Federated Learning'. [UAI'23 tutorials]. Attending UAI, CMU, Pittsburgh!
  9. - July 28: Excited for our workshop at ICML'23 on Many Facets of Learning with Preferences. Attending ICML, Hawaii, Honolulu!
  10. - July 20: Giving a talk at Simons on 'Online Federated Learning'. [Event website]